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The flower vase that restages the image of plants eroding in a geometric form.
The users can place the flowers in various positions similar to the way that floral foams are used in flower arrangements.
The pattern for this vase was created using the machining process and the surface is smoothed out even with the shift in materials.
Design: id inc.
Material: stainless-steel
Finish: hairline finish, mirror finish and metal plating
Manufacturing Process: precision sheet metal processing and machining
Size: W329×D91×H91mm
図柄は機械加工によって、 素材が切り替わりながらも段差のない表面に仕上げました。
デザイン: イド
素材: ステンレス
仕上げ: ヘアライン ・ 鏡面仕上げ ・ メッキ
加工技術: 精密板金加工 ・ 機械加工
サイズ: W329×D91×H91mm
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